Enjoy Unified and Simplified Commerce with Logicbroker’s Shopify and Squarespace Connectors

By Jager Robinson | July 23, 2024

Native connectors ensure one thing—unified commerce. Whether you’re connecting your warehouses, OMS, 3PLs, suppliers, outside vendors, tech stack, or more, Logicbroker was founded on the belief that one single platform can unify your commerce program to offer a single pane of glass view of your entire eCommerce ecosystem. 

To that end, we have recently launched two new native connections that enhance our already best-in-class native connectors suite. With our enhanced Shopify connector, and our brand-new Squarespace connector, retailer clients now have access to millions of curated, targeted vendors that delight the modern shopper. 

For supplier clients, selling on Logicbroker and to Logicbroker retailers now means simply clicking a few buttons on your Shopify storefront, or syncing your Squarespace account just once to enjoy a unified selling experience. 

Together, onboarding, selling, and order management have never been faster. 

Delivering Pure Value

When Logicbroker builds these native connectors, we look at delivering four key values: 

  1. Enabling a quicker time to value for retailers and suppliers
  2. Decreasing the time it takes to onboard new products
  3. Giving a broader set of assortment and sales channels
  4. Removing manual effort and mistakes that cause customer dissatisfaction

Each of these values represents a common painpoint in the industry that is seeing a slower time to revenue when onboarding new partners. This is caused by a longer onboarding process due to a generally lower technical sophistication from new suppliers who are selling on Shopify and Squarespace for ease-of-use. Unfortunately, this is coupled by shrinking sales channels due to supply chain issues. Put it all together, and retailers in general are seeing a massive increase in manual efforts to overcome the previous three shortcomings. 

With Logicbroker’s enhanced Shopify connector and new Squarespace connector, retailers and suppliers alike can now overcome manual efforts and tackle shortcomings via easy-to-use, native interfaces. 

Shopify Like Never Before

In 2023, Shopify was home to over 2 million merchants and had over 675 million individual buyers shop on Shopify storefronts. As the U.S.’s largest individual eCommerce platform, it was vitally important to the Logicbroker team to ensure all vendors and retailers looking to sync their Shopify ecosystems could do so in the most efficient manner possible. 

Now, with just a few button clicks, Shopify users can sync their entire product catalog into the Logicbroker Portal without manually inputting any additional data. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. After syncing accounts, users can not only connect with any Logicbroker customer and fulfill their Shopify orders within the Logicbroker portal but also just stay on Shopify and continue business as usual. 

For the smaller suppliers looking to not learn another portal, simply tag new products with the Logicbroker tag and enjoy a seamless product data sync. This process opens up retailers to millions of Shopify vendors and ensures that every user can operate their platform regardless of technical sophistication. 

Real-World Example

The perfect example of this would be our customers at BBQGuys looking for the latest in outdoor living. Let’s say a smaller, trending supplier has just launched a new wave of grill cleaning products. This new vendor can utilize Logicbroker’s native Shopify connector to sync to BBQGuys’ platform and can now fulfill orders in a matter of minutes right from their Shopify account. 

This saves incalculable amounts of time when trying to meet new social media trends, and target the now 67% of U.S. customers shopping via social media

Finding the Perfect Product on Squarespace

Unlike Shopify, Squarespace’s smaller market share of 309,347 live stores gives retailer customers a unique opportunity to find unique products that can truly differentiate their business. Much like our Shopify connector, Logicbroker’s native Squarespace connector gives suppliers and retailer’s alike the native ability to seamlessly connect their eCommerce platform with the Logicbroker Portal. 

We built the Squarespace connector, however, to help retailers meet the 44% of customers instantly building the latest social media trends. Because commerce moves faster than ever before, and lengthy contract negotiations and onboarding can get in the way of good business, our Squarespace connector allows retailers of any size to find the smaller suppliers looking to quickly fulfill orders. 

Instead of relying on an onboarding process that could take weeks from legacy providers, Logicbroker offers a painless, automatic solution that ensures you can find trending products like never before. 

Future Enhancements

While these two native connectors have gone live and are currently being used by Logicbroker customers, the enhancements don’t stop there. Over the course of 2024, we will be making a few targeted improvements to both these, and other, native connectors. 

First and foremost we will be introducing a wave of document management processes for retailers and suppliers. While those utilizing the Logicbroker Portal can enjoy a seamless communication suite, we wanted to provide a single pane of glass view for document management as well. 

These connectors will then offer retailers and suppliers the ability to house all their agreements and reporting documents in one place as well, rather than rely on email chains or misplaced communications. 

In addition, we will be rolling out warehouse inventory documentation as well as to allow retailers to ensure correct warehouse inventory allocations throughout their distribution network. Suppliers will never have to worry about misplaced orders and retailers can enjoy an even more seamless experience when managing their entire commerce ecosystem. 

Learn More Online

To learn more about these native connectors, and the suite of best-in-class native connectors Logicbroker already offers, please watch our native connectors video or call a member of our team to set up a 1-1 meeting. 

About Logicbroker

Logicbroker is a premier multi-vendor commerce platform that seamlessly connects trading partners regardless of integration types. Our modern solutions empower retailers and brands to take control of their customer experience by harnessing and analyzing vital first-party data, reducing inventory risk, and curating their expanded assortment. By improving the visibility into our client’s commerce programs, Logicbroker can better position retailers and brands for transformative growth.

As business needs and demand shift, Logicbroker provides the ability to quickly switch suppliers and product fulfillment between 3P to 1P and responsibly find new sources of inventory that uphold your brand integrity and meet your delivery promise. ​We work with mid-market and Enterprise manufacturers and retailers across a number of verticals including Health & Wellness, Home Improvement, Consumer Electronics, Toys & Babies, and Consumer Packaged Goods and service brands such as Samsung, Victoria’s Secret, The Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, Ace Hardware, and BBQ Guys

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