Beware: Don’t Frankenstein Your Drop Ship Program

By Logicbroker | October 30, 2019


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In 1818, the first edition of Mary Shelley’s bone-chilling novel, Frankenstein, was released. For over two centuries, Frankenstein’s creature, a reanimated corpse, has terrified audiences worldwide.

“Oh! No mortal could support the horror of that countenance. A mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch. I had gazed on him while unfinished; he was ugly then, but when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived.” – Mary Shelley, Frankenstein

We must not forget that Frankenstein’s creature was crafted with the best of intentions. Dr. Frankenstein sought to make something beautiful, but along the way, something went horribly wrong. In a similar fashion, today’s retailers could be facing monstrous results when looking to streamline their supply chain systems and automating their drop ship program.

Working with multiple disparate systems echoes Dr. Frankenstein combing through the cemetery, looking for the most beautiful “lifeless matter” to build something wonderful. The intentions are right – an ERP, shopping cart, shipping automation, and multiple trading partners/vendors – everything needed to run a leading eCommerce business. But what happens when the systems are not connected, or even worse, when the connections you sought to build are incomplete and still result in fragmented platforms? The costs add up, the lack of visibility can lead to poor vendor performance, and ultimately your customers suffer.

Have no fear, for unlike Frankenstein, choosing to invest in the right technology will result in a happy ending. At Logicbroker, our platform enables a unified system to give a comprehensive, consolidated view of the supply chain. With one master connection, we can translate EDI, CSV, XML, JSON, AS2, and Van to ensure flexible integration options to expand your vendor network. No tricks, all treats with a truly automated drop ship program.

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Frankenstein’s monster is one of the most chilling literary characters to hit the silver screen. Through Halloween and beyond though, your drop ship program doesn’t need to be! Check out our most recent case study and learn how our customer went from a failed three-year integration to successfully getting up and running with our platform in just six weeks!

Looking to streamline your supply chain through drop ship automation? Schedule a personalized demo with our team today!

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